"Changing the world one drop at a time"
The original CBC's Habanero & Garlic Hot Sauce is the perfect combination of habanero pepper kick, garlic goodness, and a secret blend of spices that pairs well with meats, sandwiches, burgers, eggs, pizza-just about anything you're looking to ramp up.
Our Story
While working in the restaurant business, I accidentally received habanero chilies instead of jalapenos in one of our orders.
With the type of cuisine we cooked, it was hard to find a home for them on a plate. In order to extend their life for later use, I pickled them until I could think of something to do with them.
One slow service night, I decided to make a hot sauce with the chilies for our annual "family meal" cookout. It didn't take long for that first batch to disappear! As I made more, my co-workers started requesting bottles to take home for themselves. I then began to test out my creation with the customers requesting hot sauce for their eggs and such. It was a total hit.
When I started bottling the sauce for fans, friends, and family, the label consisted of nothing more than my name and telephone number-I needed an official name and an official label.
As I was brainstorming name ideas one afternoon, my son (Craig Jr.) woke up wailing from his nap. Eureka! Cry Baby Craig's was born. From that day on Jr. has been my inspiration to pursue my dream of Cry Baby Craig's.